Friday, September 7, 2012

Pre-Mop time.

The new system is getting hotfixed left and right...rolling restarts have happened almost every day this week.

Right now I've got my:

Priest 85- not doing to much on her, waiting for theramore scenario to open. although i did do the deathwing half of LFR and i like the new system. Healing is a problem unless i'm very responsive, due to cast times.

Druid 83- Still gotta get her up to 85. best Healer i've played so far with the new patch.

Paly 79- Almost up to 80, trying to hit 85 before MoP sonce she's got mining and herbalism. I've also switched her to tanking since it seems to be working much better right now.

DK 66- working tailoring so i can compress all the stacks of Embersilk that we have in the guildbank. Also trying to raise reputation with the Aldor, just hit honored. Tried tanking and it was a hot mess, holding threat is a huge problem.

Warrior 52- Tanking is a problem though slightly better then DK tanking. Leveling with my moms Shaman (51-DPS), which is her new main.

Mage 50- Leveling based on rested-ness. Got inscription high enough to thin out all the WLK herbs from the guildbank. Alchemy is falling behind though.

Warlock 35- Pretty much on hold for now, haven't played since before the patching started. Paired for now with my moms Priest (35).

Rogue 26- On hold, but paried with my moms Paly (19) for now.

Hunter 13- been on hold for a long while. lol

*Shaman 1- currently acting as a place holder for the name i want. when MoP launches I plane on making a Pandarean Shaman.

*Monk 0- Don't have a monk yet, but plan on making a Human monk after MoP launches.

*** Now you maybe wondering why i'm not making a Panda monk. the reason for this is that I expect after the launch to see 2 things happen, lots of people making panda characters AND lots of people going to Pandarea. These 2 things will most likely cause me a ginormous amount of lag.
So in order to avoid lag i planed on making a human monk and playing that for a few days until i felt enough people had gotten the whole PANDAS!! thing out of their systems. Then i planned on making a shaman panda and going to pandarea. ^_^

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