Friday, November 23, 2012

WS - Telepathy

So to kick off this blog series i thought i'd start with the subject that gave me the idea for the series in the first place: Telepathy.

For those of you who don't know I've been writing stories with supernatural/ paranormal themes and creatures and abilities. *I'm gonna have to look up the difference between supernatural and paranormal. lol
Anywasy, since i'm pretty open about the abilities featured in my Gate's Crossing, Omoria, and Heart series I tend to run across certain ideas and concepts i don't really think i could work with.
One of those concepts is telepathy.

Now, I've got Empathy in my Omoria series and i'm okay with it, but the idea of telepathy bugs me.
I can understand say broadcasting ones thoughts, so I'm fine with that aspect of it, I'm even slightly okay with the idea that someone or thing with electrical senses might be able to "read" someone else's thoughts at a real time level or even with a bit more work access memories, but I'm not at all comfortable with the idea of someone or something accessing someone else's "mindscape" and delving through their motivations and thoughts while maintaining some kind of context instead of seeing something resembling a "movie" with additional sensory information.

I most definitely consider other similar abilities allowable such as fighting, moving, etc. on the Astral Plane, as well as dream walking and misc. things having to do with souls and/or minds without bodies, per say. Higher conciousnesses are tottally fine as are inanimate object with consciousness who use projection of thought to communicate.

I'm also fine with the idea of inviting someone into your mindscape, since that can be spun from a projection stand point.

I guess i'm just not fine with the sort of all powerful telepaths that i see in most mainstream examples of telepaths. Although i do love the work other people have done on the subject i guess it's just not for me. ^_^

Writing Supernaturals

Hey, all.
So this is gonna be new blog series I'm starting. A lot of the stuff covered in it will be similar to things covered in the two personal reference books I'm compiling, but i thought it'd be cool to post some stuff on here.
I'll be going over things i like, things i don't get, thing i think would work, etc.
Hope y'all will join me in the comment section to share your views and stuff.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Procrastination FTW! ^_^

So I've been putting of doing stuff for a bit, since i''m recovering from household dramas.


But I've decided i need to do stuff so i've been playing a bit of WOW althought i haven't done that much since my moms not playing at the moment.

I need to start working on my books again. I really want to make some progress on "Heart of Stone", the book i started for NaNoWriMo event hough it's not gonna be finished in time for the end of the event.

I really wanna write an epic world series, so i wanna get started on the Omaria series.

Thats it for now. smooches!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Video! Damn you Glee!

So i heard a new song from the next Glee episode on youtube called "There are worse things i could do from the movie Grease.
And it was so awesome i had to do a cover. lol
So i did one and here it is.

i think it turned out okay.
hope ya'll like it.


So i cut some stuff a few days ago, and moved it to the third book in the "Heart Series". Sadly figuring that out threw me off my stride and i haven't written anymore, since getting my numbers back up to 4,771. So i've fallen behind by aroung 10,000 words at this point, sad face.

I gonna try and catch up i think, hopefully i'll be able to do so.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gah..3055 words so far.

So i'm at 3055 words and i'm still in the prologue, which is apparently the word for the part at the begining of the story which i didn't realize. I thought it was prelogue and prologue but it's actually prologue and epilogue. >_<

Anywasy i still haven't finished everything on my list, but I got done with 2 parts of the 6 parts for the prologue. I wrote about Perseus, and then i wrote about Euryale and now I'm gonna write about Stheno, before i come around to medusa, then medusa and perseus, and the the final paragraph part.

Then it's off and running for the main story.

I'm letting my mom read as i finish each part, and she was like "This is wonderful, it's way to good a prologue for PWOP" and i was like i agree. lol so i might put all the prologues together in their own book after i get done with the series. ^_^ They're definitly gonna be put together in the beastiery i'm working on.

kk smooches!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaNoWriMo book. New beginnings.

So i got down my basic premise. I've come up with a tittle and this has led to 2 more books making this a series.

So the series's working tittle is "The Heart series", it sucks but...
anywasy, the first book is gonna be called "Heart of Stone" while the other 2 tittle are "Heart of Glass" and "Heart of Ice", might do another book making 4 tittle called "Heart of Gold" doesn't really match up with the idea's i'm using unless i go to indian mythology...

Kay Kay so my goal for tommorrow is to start on my list of 8 questions and tasks i need to accoplish to get started.
Also i should work a bit more on the blurb and figuring out if my characters have last names and what they look like.
wish me luck. ^_^