Thursday, September 27, 2012

Feminism vs Stupidity

watched this video on youtube from the Factuary

and in the comments i saw these posts:

This is a pile of shit
1. Wage Gap is a myth because you dont quantify Divorce statistics into this, no one does. Where if a couple stay married the children- both MALE and FEMALE children will inherent the mans money and wife- you dont look at in this why men die much earlier than women because have to work themselves to death, whilst women tend to stay home. AND in divorce the womyn will get more than half assets without working for them. So this ontop on how the adverage is used makes it BS.

2. You dont say that violent crime is far higher as a police statistic to men than women, where rape is such an insignificant crime figure it is hardly registerable. Rape culture like Pay gap is simply there to have advantaged the concept that women are victims thus giving them better leverage in Divorce- see point 1. Rape culture is the concept that men are a privileged sex who dont have to think about anything and this is usually there to hide the fact women like to try and ape male behaviour.

3. No rapist has ever been let off from a rape, because of how the female was dressed. What rape investigation does do is try to determine if the female is lying based upon other more malign reasons out of female psyche - that are proven, incase the rape isn't real. Rape is invented just as female agency uses victimization as to being intimidated or threaterned in certain situations usually where they have not been and is used therefore to have proxy violence performed instead.

4. reproduction- Rape is always used as the defense of abortions where in reality the Pill and Abortion have all been instruments of Feminism for them to become post-human and ape male behaviours using female abandonment, the lilith believe of male-privilege...only then to conflict with those ill concieved ideas returning to victimhood, female agency, sexuality, rape culture etc...
In reality most terminations are performed by female social factors and empowerment, this is a female kill-theory.

Seriously..? This person is fucking retarded in a bad way.

My responses are as follows
1. Since the wage gap applies to women who work and not women who don't work divorce statistics don't apply. Bringing that up is the same as saying there are only a few (insert racial miority)'s that work legally in the U.S. so they shouldn't make they same amount of money as the majority <- Slavery, anyone? 
1. Secondly if your working in stereotypes, women who "stay home" are expected to budget the household finances (shoping), cook, clean, raise children, and provide sex for their husbands (regardless of if they do or not it is a societal expectation) which if you HIRED someone to do would be very expensive. Personal Chefs, Maids, Accountants, Personal Shoppers, and Child care. Child care alone costs upwards of $300 a week if you have a full time job.
1. Third, inheritance laws work both ways as do divorce laws. A widower may recieve their spouses property upon their death. If a husband makes less money than his wife he may be entitled to recieve allimony payments upon their divorce. Just because men often choose not to pursue these rights, or the circumstances don't favor those types of rulings, do not mean that men are not entitled to equal treatment under the law in those cases.

2. Rape culture is there to promote the concept that women are victims, and to brain wash women into believing it themselves. This allows men to dominate them through fear tactics. Your statement that men are a privlidged sex is in fact reafirmed by your later statement that "women like to "TRY" to ape male behavior". Behavior in humans is ALL human behavior, seperating it into male and female behaviors is just reaffirming that you believe male behavior has some sort of MALE ONLY sign on it.

3. hat is proven is that rape victims are often shamed/bullied based on how they're dressed and so many never come foreward to accuse their rapist through legal means. If someone is traumatized they can legaly be said to be INCOMPETENT. This means they are unable to decide for themselves if what happened to them bears investigation or not. So if a woman is shamed into not accusing her rapist that's coercion, if she believes that coercion she's incompetent and the rape is not invalidated.

4. Abortion in most cases is used to prevent bringing a child into this world whose 1) parents don't want them, 2) parents can't support them, 3)possibly have life threatening birth defects, 4) being brought to term would endanger the life of their mother as well a s themselves. All 4 of those can result in death for the child anyway, where as abortion would cause death but limited suffering. 
4. continued- Death by abuse, death by starvation/environment(freezin
­g to death,etc),death by tay-sachs (where your own body soffucates you), death by manslaughter of the spouse of the person who's supposed to then raise you? These are the things your saying are OKAY, that we should allow people to bring children into the world knowing they will suffer these things. That's more than a little sadistic.

5. Are you a robot? were you not born from a women? and yet you do not seem to respect that she is a human being, and entitled to the same rights as any other human being regardless of gender. I'd be ashamed if you were my child, and if i knew that you'd be inflicting such prejudical and toxic veiws upon the world, well...lets just be glad that your not. i know i am, i hear prison is very rough.

Yep I went there. what a misogynist, give a bad name to people everywhere.

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