Sunday, March 31, 2013

W/S: Creation.

For me writing is about creating, and writing supernatural/paranormal fiction is about creating something that by it's very definition has never been seen before.

So in a way my writing is equatable to my children.

I create and then nuture them to the point at which they are ready to go out into the wold.
I have hopes for them even when i nolonger have an active hand in their shaping.
I hope they grow old and loved by the people who know them.
And if they ever run into slash writers I hope they have lots and lots of smexysmex time. ^_^

But i think that writing can also be a group affair too big for one individual to accomplish easily. while many of us online and in other mediums write our books solo, we do not live in a vaccum. we talk to our friends, our family, our editors, our publishers, our teachers, our fellow authors, librarians, we interview character source material like scientists or police officers. we are by definition recieving help with our stories thought we are maintaing our own singular vision in most cases.

The point of this is to aknowledge within ourselves as writers that writing is more then the work we call the finished product. It comes from us, from our desires and needs. And while it's might be nice in theory, if something that tied to who we are was easy to accomplish and didn't have any other affect on our lives, sadley that isn't the case.

Treat your stories right, and treat yourself right. Good luck!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Ask TheLostSigns #6

This week's "Ask TheLostSigns" is brought to you by the characters of long running Japanese Anime. They're stupid and they need help. good thing I'm available to give it. ^_^

Dear TheLostSigns,
Me and my friends are searching for the Moon princess. Have you seen her? This magical cat with a crescent moon on her forehead snuck into my house and started talking to me. It also gave me magical powers and now i fight the Negaverse as Sailor Moon. Strangely enough most of the friends i've met have turned out to be Sailor Scouts too! There's Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus. We've been looking for the Moon princess for a while, although we think Sailor Venus might be her, because she's so pretty and a model and stuff. What do you think?
Please help!
Must Observe Optimism Now

Hello MOON! I'd like to start off by saying thank you for writing in. I can understand how life must be really confusing for you, what with the talking cat and the superpowers. After reading your letter i was left with one nagging question, tho.
Seriously, you're Sailor F*cking MOON. Moon is in your name. You're the god damn Moon princess.
Go back to school, cause you needs you some education.

Hey TheLostSigns,
I live in a town of ninjas, and one day I hope to be their leader. The best Leader they've ever known. My problem is i've got an all powerful fox spirit trapped inside me, so nobody in town will talk to me or be my friend. I'm so lonely what should i do?
Not Actually Really Up To Objecting

Thanks for the letter NARUTO.
Being the giver of sound advice for those tough life choice, I'd like to ask why what these other people think is so important to you that you'd dedicate so much of your life to them.
I can understand wanting the power that comes with being the leader, thus having control over whether they live or die, but i think that's an unhealthy ambition. It's also rather drawn out.
Wouldn't it be easier to just, i don't know, kill and eat them?
Efficiency is the name of the game.
My suggestion to you is to cut out the years of hardship and simply release the beast inside you and let it destroy your piss poor townsfolk as retribution for the misery they've caused you. You'd get away with it too, since they'd all be dead or well in your belly.
I should warn you however that everything i've read indicates that people do not taste like bacon. That'd be a problem, but i'm sure you could find some way around it.
Good luck with the upcoming massacre,

Thursday, March 28, 2013

New creature idea.

So i was dreaming and in my dream was a "witch", but she was actually a green skinned creature that resembled a woman. And she inflated with "gas" and used that to propel herself and fly.

Green lady who farts her way across the sky....>_<

But then i thought how about, it's a gnarled creature who's territory includes lakes and bogs, who inflates with gases at night and the propels themselves through the air by realeasing bursts of gass from vents in their vine like or wooden body and that cause balls of gaseus explosions similar to will o wisps or fox fire.

That could work. ^_^

The name that kept coming to me was Celladonna, but i was also getting a lot of Kantel, which i belive is how i imagine the words for the harp like instrument.

Well see if anything else comes to me.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Free Fiction Tuesdays: Heart of Stone (Part 1)

Todays i was supposed to continue my book "Seeds of Prophecy" but i had to get some research together so i don't wanna write at the moment.
Instead I'll be posting part of the prologue for my "Heart of Stone" book.

The golden man came for her under the cover of darkness, or more precisely the Helm of Darkness gifted to him by Hades, lord of the Underworld which rendered the wearer invisible.

Perseus, for that was the name his mother had bestowed upon him, had traveled many day to reach this out of the way place at the end of the known world in order to find the cave in which his prey the Medusa lived in solitude, save for the company of her two gorgon sisters Stheno and Euryale.

Sneaking quietly in the yawning mouth of darkness which was the gorgon’s home, Perseus saw many things which he did not understand. Stone statues of warriors and terrifying beasts, as well as ones made of glass, clear and fragile.

Making his way past these strange additions to what should have been an otherwise barren cave inhabited by crazed monsters. It wasn’t long before Perseus noticed other strange things like rugs and wall hangings. A small table here, and a torch holder there.

Continuing deeper into the cave, moving quickly while being careful to not give his presence away, Perseus noticed that the darkness of the cave, illuminated partly by the moonlight filtering in from the cave entrance and projected by a few of the glass statues into deeper parts of the cave which he a surely passed at this point, was beginning to lighten. With the coming of the light also came the soft sound of scuffling and a strange hissing sound.

“Ahh, I have found the feared Gorgon. Now to slay her and take her head as requested by my King.” thought Perseus as he crept closer to the source of the light and the strange sounds. Hiding behind a seemingly well place rock, Perseus drew out the gift the goddess Athena had given him, a brightly polished shield. Athena had warned him that to look upon a gorgon’s face without protection would surely result in death, before giving him the shield to use as a mirror.

Settling himself into a comfortable position with his back against the rock, Perseus looked upon the scene revealed in his shield.

A great cavern lay beyond his position lit on three sides by torches set into the walls. On either side there were tunnels carved in the stone walls.

“Those must lead to other caverns…” Perseus assumed.

He also noticed there was furniture within the cavern. There were large raised divans placed in a central location, while low table were scattered in the surrounding area. The main thing, though, that caught his eye and kept it was the sight of the three Gorgons.

Perseus studied the gorgons in the surface of his shield. All three were seemingly petite women, with fair skin like the moon. What he could see of their bodies above the waist seemed very womanly indeed covered as they each were in short stola each a different color. Below the waist, however, starting where the legs would on an ordinary human there was instead a thick column of flesh covered in scales which must have been over 15 feet in length and resembling the body of a snake. They also had snakes in their hair.  Although upon closer inspection, Perseus realized that the snakes seemed to be actually growing out of their scalps along with their hair. The two of the sisters moved restlessly around the third, which upon further inspection accounted for the strange scuffling sound he had been hearing and couldn’t place, the sound of their serpentine coils rubbing against each other and the stone which made up the floor of the cave. Perhaps thankfully, the two moving Gorgons had their backs turned to Perseus’s location effectively hiding their faces from his gaze. The third sat hunched over, her face also hidden where it lay held in her hands, her petite shoulders moving in jerky motions.

“Sssissster,”came a pleading cry.

Startled, Perseus quickly hid his shield under his long cloak. So the strange hissing sounds he had heard hadn’t been just the sound of the snakes of the Gorgons hair, but the gorgons themselves. Perseus had assumed them to be crazed monsters, but thinking about everything he had seen since entering the cave gave him pause. Perhaps he should sit and listen more, for killing dangerous crazed monsters on behalf of your king was one thing, but…

For anyone wondering female gorgons never have to pee. EVER. It's magic, bitches. Seriously i totally lost my mojo while writing this because someone asked my how they were supposed to use the bathroom. 
Thanks for reading hopefully i'll be able to come up with something for next week.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

W/S: Vampires

This weeks "Writing Supernaturals" post is brought to you by esteemed author Katica Locke, who can be located a  .

On Ms. Locke's website she has a number of articles which provide details into her writing process and views on the types of character she uses in her writing.

Below I've reposted with her permission her article on Vampires in it's entirety. Ms. Lock says:

I was brainstorming the other day, working on a plot for my next Suburban Fantasy story, and I realized I hadn’t written an article on vampires yet. I have been a vampire fan for many years–so long ago that I can’t remember what started my fascination. I do remember chasing my little sister around the house as a child, the broken tines from a white plastic fork held tight between my upper lip and gums like fangs. Yes, I was a strange child. I haven’t changed much.
I grew up in the era of romantic vamps, the dark, brooding sort who lament their lost mortality and strive to atone for their crimes, the kind that can be dangerous, but fight against their baser instincts and thirst for blood. That’s the kind of vampire I like to write about.
In my universe, being turned into a vampire is a deliberate act that takes three days to complete. The act of biting a mortal does not turn them into a vampire. The vampire-to-be must either be willing, or held captive. The first step is to have a significant amount of blood removed and replaced with vampire blood. This works best through a transfusion. Within the first twelve hours of the first transfusion, subsequent transfusions may take place, which help speed the process and may be necessary if the vampire donor is young.
After the blood is transfused, the vampire-to-be must remain out of direct sunlight for sixty to eighty hours, depending on the potency of the vampire blood. Exposure to sunlight, for as little as a few minutes, halts the transformation progress. If exposed during the first day, the vampire-to-be remains mortal and can make another attempt to be turned at a later date.
If exposed during the second or third day, the vampire-to-be is stuck as a ghoul and cannot ever complete the change into a vampire. Ghouls are halfway between mortal and vampire–they live longer, are stronger and faster, hear, see, and smell better, are sensitive to sunlight and heat, and crave blood. The will eventually die of old age, but sunlight will not kill them and do not need to feed exclusively on blood to survive.
After the third day, the mortal has become a vampire, though it can take up to a week for their fangs to grow in and sunlight to become fatal. During this transitional period, they are very vulnerable, at the mercy of a terrible thirst for blood, but not yet strong enough to protect themselves. Most die before having been a vampire for fifty years–more than half of those within the first few months.
Vampires do not technically feed on blood. Their internal organs are repurposed, their digestive system transforming into a storage and distribution center. Blood is held in the stomach until needed, then moved into the intestines, where connective blood vessels have attached, allowing the blood to be sent where needed.
Since a vampire’s heart ceases to beat within a few days of being turned, the circulatory system is no longer needed. Veins, arteries, blood vessels, and capillaries are rerouted into one-way streets, taking blood out to the tissue that needs it. As blood is consumed by tissue, it creates negative pressure, drawing more blood to fill the space. Vampire tissue is so efficient at consuming blood that it produces very little waste product. What is produced cannot be removed in the normal, mortal fashion since the system is no longer circulatory. The waste is simply pushed to the surface and exuded in minute amounts through the pores as a slightly waxy substance, not unlike mortal sweat. This waste is virtually undetectable unless the vampire has poor personal hygiene, in which case it builds up on the skin and their clothes, giving them a musty smell that has long been associated with the undead in folklore.
Speaking of myth and folklore, I ran into an interesting dilemma when I had to choose which parts of the vampire legends to keep and which to disregard, and come up with good reasons for both. I decided the religious aspects had to go since few of my books take place on Earth, and it would seem strange for a vampire who had never heard of Christianity to be repelled by crosses and holy water. Also, it insinuated that vampires are inherently evil, which was something I wanted to avoid.
I changed garlic from vampire repellant to simply repugnant due to its strong odor and a vampire’s keen sense of smell. I didn’t see a use for the OCD behavior of needing to untie knots or pick up and count small items that had spilled, like seeds or rice, except as comic relief. In a truly life or death situation, it would seem silly.
My vampires do have trouble crossing moving water, and they can’t touch hawthorn or garnet, though those particular traits haven’t made an appearance in any book yet. Their bodies are cold, right around room temperature, since all metabolic functions have ceased. Heat degrades vampire tissue, so the colder they can stay, the less blood they need to drink. They don’t have reflections, nor do they show up on film or in digital photographs, however, they are not simply absent from the picture, they appear as a blur. In mirrors, they are like a mirage, a hazy, indistinct form seen out of the corner of the eye, but gone when looked at directly. They will die if exposed to the sun, the light burning exposed skin, the heat and UV radiation damaging the tissue until all the blood inside them is used up and their tissue cannibalizes itself trying to repair the damage being done.
They are adapted to feeding on humans, with small, slender fangs that pierce the skin and arteries without tearing out huge chunks of flesh. They are inconspicuous predators, often trying to blend in with their prey. Their saliva contains pain-killing enzymes which act quickly on open wounds. The act of drinking is often pleasurable and even erotic to the one being drunk from–a unique way to subdue a frightened or struggling victim–though not everyone responds this way. Some mortals take no pleasure from it, while others are intensely sensitive to it. Most find that the act becomes more pleasurable with each subsequent bite.
Now, as far them being evil or soulless, I prefer to let my characters be individuals. A kind mortal is going to become a kind vampire (with some understandable issues about his thirst for blood). An arrogant mortal is going to become an arrogant vampire (perhaps with new narcissistic tendencies due to new-found eternal youth). A timid mortal is going to become a timid vampire (or maybe not–maybe his new strength and urge to kill will give him the push he’s been waiting for to tip him over the edge and he goes on a killing spree). I like having the option to develop the characters. Vampire = monster doesn’t leave a lot of room for character development.
Picking a favorite vampire from among my characters is easy–Lucifer, the vampire stallion. He’s every bit the vicious predator, but with almost human intelligence. You can read about him in The Devil’s Hunt and Broken Wings, both free on FictionPress, and in Magebound, available through and other online book retailers.
Second favorite is Julian Marcellos. He’s dark and sexy, with decades of practice in the art of seduction, but still young enough to be insecure about his vampirism. I’m a sucker for that kind of vulnerability in a character; makes me want to huggle them. You can read about Julian in A Crash-course in Kinsa-sitting here on the website, and in the Suburban Fantasy series, which can be purchased from Shadowfire Press.
As far as vampire villains go, I actually have a couple. In Sparkles & Strawberries, Ezarali and Zarik must infiltrate an S&M club run by a sadistic vampire, and in Empathetic Magic (currently unreleased) the heroes must return a lost necklace to Lord Raethen, a crazed teenaged vampire. Of course, there is hope of redemption for Lord Raethen, because I cannot seem to create unredeemable villains.
That’s everything I can think of. I hope you enjoyed reading this article and if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask!

I appreciate how Ms. Locke hasn't adhered to common stereotypes when writing her version of the Vampire mythology. She's put a lot of thought into what she wants these characters to be like as well as realizing that the world she has placed them in would have an effect on them and they're mythology.

Personally, Vampires aren't my favorite type of supernatural/paranormal creature, and i studiously avoid fiction in which they are the main character due to their over abundance. Also, i'm more than a little put off by the "blood focus" which is often associated and quit frankly unavoidable when a story is told from a Vampires perspective. 

In my multi-verse, Vampires are relegated to the Gate's Crossing Universe (also known as Earth #1). They are actually part of the Komu (Japanese spider demons) Hierarchy. 

The Komu Hierarchy is organized as follows:
Komu: At the top are the Komu themselves. Komu are always Female, and are "pure blooded" descendents. They live in Japan and rarely leave the compounds which are referred to as nests. There are 4 nests coinciding with the cardinal directions. They consider males disposable.
Pure blooded males ( Master Vampires ): Next are Pure blooded males which the Komu breed with in order to create more Komu, although pure blooded males are also born of such unions. They often have enhanced strength and speed. They are also susceptible to sunlight, but it simply causes severe sunburn and they are capable of remaining awake during the day. They are required to obey the Komu.
 Non-Pure blooded Vampires (Vampires) : These types of vampires are created by Master Vampires. They are also technically undead. While they are not forcibly/magically controlled by their masters, they often trade their servitude for the "immortality" associated with being a vampire. They cannot create vampires themselves, and their ranking within their covens/seethes are based on what they bring in. They have enhanced strength and speed. while the Komu acknowledge the usefulness of Pure blooded males, non pure blood vampires are ignored, in the event they make nuisances of themselves or draw the attention of a Komu they are killed. They are susceptible to sunlight, they are also highly flammable. They "sleep" during the day, although a master vampire can adjust them to be awake during the day but that is at the master vampires discretion.

So that's what i've got on Vampires, Check out Ms. Locke when you have the chance. 
And remember to pick up "Broken Wings" on Smashwords at

Friday, March 22, 2013

Ask TheLostSigns #5

I'm back! This weeks "Ask TheLostSigns" letters are coming to you courtesy of Alphas and Masters. Relationships are complicated when you're scary.

To: TheLostSigns

I'm a Master vampire and i'm interested in pursuing a relationship with a human mortal. I've been watching said mortal for a while now and think we'd really hit it off. Do you have any tips for me?
From: Formerly A Not Good Sucker 

Hey FANGS! You've come to the right place.

My first suggestion is to research the age of consent in your location. You've got time on your hands, so if your intended is considered underage wait until they are of age before pursuing a relationship with them. Otherwise it's more than a little creepy.

My Second piece of advice is to not use your vampire hoodoo on them. Nobody likes to be coerced into a relationship. In addition you won't actually be having a "real" relationship if your partner isn't making their own decisions.

My Third piece of advice is to be open and honest with your partner about who and what you are and how that affects what you're looking for and need from a partner. If you have to drink your partners blood, they should be made aware of the fact before hand. If you can't be exposed to sunlight, they should be made aware of that. If churches make you burst into flames, tell them. Keep in mind that your partner is not like you and thus isn't going to think or react the same way you do.

Good luck!.

Dear Ask TheLostSigns,
I met this great guy, but he's an Alpha werewolf. He says that i'm his mate, and have been chosen by destiny to be the other half of his soul. I can't deny that i feel drawn to him, but i'm concerned by his dominant behavior. He follows me all the time, and restricts the places i go and who i hang out with when he's not around. He also gets very upset when i try to be independent, or don't agree with the things he says. I'd like to sit down and discuss my feelings with him, but i feel as though he doesn't listen to me or put sufficient weight on my opinion. What should i do?
Didn't Ask-Men Should Encourage Liberty

Honey this man is a problem. You have the right to be independent, and anyone who loves you should support your independence. It's obvious that he is placing his "issues" on you. You're not in control of fate or destiny, but that shouldn't make you a victim. His controlling behavior and lack of sympathy for how it's affecting you make it obvious his only concern is himself. That you feel that he won't listen to you is your subconscious's way of telling you he's trouble and that you shouldn't trust him. This is exasperated by his attempts to derail discussion by getting upset. I recommend attempting couples counseling, but in the event that is not an option i suggest leaving him. Fate doesn't promise happy endings, just that things will happen.

Good Luck!

Thank you for joining us this week. Hope ya'll enjoyed the advice. I'll be back next week with "Ask TheLostSigns #6"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

W/S: Consistency

It might be because i'm Bi-Polar, and part of that is increased OCD like compensative tendencies, but i like structure. As far as that applies to books, I've read A LOT of books and there is structure in what i've read that i expect to continue in the future books i read. People act like people, even when they're not people. Nobody is perfect and those that are perfect don't deal with perfect people so leaks happen and mistakes happen and shit happpens.

So when i read or watch something i expect, and in fact often take for granted, the fact that i can tell you what happens to a certain extent with the story or plot. I expect consitency for the most part. It's when the story starts to go off in unexpected directions that i begin to doubt the writer.

As an aspiring writer of fiction, I believe that the one thing you shouldn't do is ret-con your own characters. Putting them in life changing situations in an effort to change their perspective is fine, but a friend should be a friend and an enemy should be an enemy.
And you should always know where the story starts and where it ends. Hoe you get there isn't the issue it's know when to stop and let it go. If you end up in a situation where your story is beloved and people want more you need to know when to say "it's done. that's all i've got."
Forcing an extension often results in inconsistency.

That's why I often have outlines for multiple books within a series, with the final book ending things.
Gates Crossing is actually two five book series for which the first four books are shared and there are two vaguely, but consistently different versions of the last book.

Iron Druid Chronicles

So I'm still sick, but I just got finished reading books 1-5 of the Iron Druid Chronicle by Kevin Hearne. It's a very well thought out series. I'd reccomend it to people who enjoy urban fantasy.

My one point of contention is that I'm not very big on seemingly random killings off of existing characters with lots of "screen time" unless they're written in a way that lets you know in advance they're going to die.
I also don't care for characters who end up switching sides without any precoursing activity that the reader can easily identify as shifty behavior. Ie. if you're gonna be a manipulative bastard BE a manipulative bastard.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I'm too sick to do stuff!

I don’t know all the rules for to and too, but i know that i’m sick. The fever headache I’m sporting is not conducive to writing so i’m taking a break to get well. I’ll be back for next weeks “Ask TheLostSigns”,

Friday, March 15, 2013

Ask TheLostSigns is going on hiatus this week.

I'd luv to spread my wonderful advice to those fictional characters in need, but sadly i'm either hella sick or seriously depressed, cause i'm actually actively avoiding doing it this week. seriously i'm not even gonna try to make some excuse or push it back. I'm just not gonna do it so it stops weighing on me.
Next week i'll hopefully be back with an intsallment.

*The above statement is why i have trouble remaining employed as well. At first i'm super excited and then shortly there after i'm consumed by cripling dread. Hopefully i'll be recovered enough to be creative in time for Free Fiction Tuesdays.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Omorian days of the week

The days of the week on Omoria are as follows.

Monday- Moonsday
Tuesday- Earthsday
Wednesday- Watersday
Thursday- Airsday
Friday- Firesday
Saturday- Starsday
Sunday- Sunsday

So the the first three installments of Free Fiction Tuesday all take place on Earthsday, as will the next installment. Then I'll skip to Fireday and the magic test, then Sunsday and the ball.

Omoria is basicly earth in that the planet is the same size, the same distance from the sun, and tilt on the same axis. Omoria's sun is roughly the same age as Earths.
Omoria has 3 moons. 2 Of the moons are the same size as earths moon and lie on the same path as Earths moon, although they are roughly a eigth of the sky apart, so they "chase" each other across the sky. The third moon is located farth away and again is about the same size as earths moon. It's distance from Omoria makes its size when viewed from the planets surface roughly half the size of Earths moon or half the size of Omoria's other two moons. So it hass two regular sized moons and one smaller moon.

Omoria also only has 3 continents. I have a map, but I'll make another one that i can post online.
The central continent is home to Neder in the wset, Worshan in the East, and Rymal in the South. It's shaped roughly like and "X" with the top to legs representing Neder and Worshan, and the bottom too representing Rymal.
Susmar is located on the northern continent and is shaped like an upside down "u", and is locate over the northern pole.
The southern continent is not located over the southern pole. It is home to the refugees from Terra.

I think that's enough information for now.
Question are appreciated and welcomed.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Free Fiction Tuesdays: Seeds of Prophecy (Part 3)

 This week's installment completes the scene started last week. It's a bit long, i guess. I haven't done any editing so i'm sure there are a bunch of mistakes at the moment. I'll be posting some stuff this week to go along with this post, IE. a "what's what in Omoria series". lol I hope you guys like it. As always feedback is appreciated. Smooches.

 (Continued from part 1 in last weeks installment of Free Fiction Tuesdays)

“Very good, Mr. Lanae. We do in fact have many foreign students such as yourself, who much like you and your sister, will be experiencing different cultures in addition to studying their abilities in preparation for positions they will hold later in their lives.”

Sighing out a breath in relief that his answer had been satisfactory, Tobias raised his head to catch a pleased smile directed at him from the Headmistress’s mouth.

“Now Miss Lanae, since your brother so gallantly volunteered to answer my first question you can answer my second. “

Darting a glance his sisters way, Tobias wasn’t surprised to see her paling. In fact she was paling rather quickly, so he leaned over and touched her arm in solidarity. His gesture seemed to startle Phiobe out of her abrupt stupor, and giving him a relieved smile she took a few shallow breaths before speaking.

“Yes, Headmistress.”

 “Good. What do you know of me?”

Slightly disconcerted by the question Phiobe took a moment to answer, and when she did it was with a questioning voice.

“You are Knoirys Imsenko, Headmistress of The Universal Academy of Magical Arts, also known as TUAMA, in Neder.”

“That is correct. What else?”

Unsure as to where this line of questioning was heading Phiobe’s face began to take on a look of confusion. To Tobias the heavy pause and pinched lines between her brows was a dead giveaway that his twin was going over everything they had both learned about Headmistress Imsenko , her thoughts probably racing in their effort to find the answer to what was obviously not a simple question, but a test of sorts.

“You are obviously Susmarian, Headmistress. Your eyes mark you as being of the ruling class… Although in all honesty, I haven’t seen eyes quite like yours before which leads me to think their effect is not simply your Susmarian heritage. I’ve been told you’re a Dream Mage of the highest caliber, which probably explains why I’ve heard you referred to as The Starless Dreamer. You’re also an Elemental Master, having shown at least a Wizards level of competence in the eleven elements.”

By the time she had finished speaking Phiobe restless fidgeting made it obvious that she wasn’t very comfortable under the scrutiny of Headmistress Imsenko.

“Your information is accurate, Miss Lanae. I do in fact hail from Susmar, and I do belong to a very esteemed family, but that will have no bearing on my position at this school. As far as my eyes are concerned, part of what you’ll be learning here a TUAMA is that certain types of abilities have physical manifestations. In my case because of my strength as a Dreamer my eyes bear this appearance. There are other manifestations some far stranger than mine, but those are things you will be taught in your practical magic courses… My dear, something under your coat appears to be trying to escape.”

Apparently Phiobe’s continued fidgeting had agitated Ubrin, causing the child sized creature to journey forth from beneath her clothing, where she had hidden him, to investigate.

Taking in Ubrin’s turtle shaped face, it’s leathery skinned humanoid body, clawed hands, and shell covered back Headmistress Imsenko took a moment to glance at the file she had been reading when they entered her office. She then turned back to Phiobe where she sat with Ubrin in her lap, after picking him up to curtail his wonderings.

“I was not informed you would be bringing a…pet. I’m sorry to inform you that they are not allowed in the dorms and that you will have to seek out alternative lodgings for it.”

“Him.” Tobias quickly rushed to say, seeing the look of growing trepidation on his sister’s face.

“Excuse me, Mr. Lanae?”

“Him. Ubrin is a him, and he is not a pet. He’s a ground swan, and my sister’s Shouhana. They cannot be separated.”

It was obvious that the Headmistress was slightly taken aback by Tobias’s forceful tone, but he couldn’t help it when defending his sister’s best interests.

“Cannot be separated? I find that very unlikely, Mr. Lanae. It is the strictest policy of this school that pets are not allowed to stay in the dorms.”

“Then we will have to make other arrangements. My sister must not be separated from her Shouhana under any circumstances; it is the will of our goddess.”

Tobias was upset that they wouldn’t be able to stay in the dorm, but his sister’s wellbeing trumped whatever previous plans had been made. Reaching out across the gap between their chairs, Tobias took her hand and received a smile in gratitude, before he turned back to face the Headmistress.

However, the look on the Headmistress’s face was not the anger he had expected. Instead he found the Headmistress had slightly tilted her head to the side and was looking at them in an almost quizzical way.

“What do you mean it is the will of your goddess?”

Withholding a sigh of exasperation, for Tobias had assumed that the Headmistress of such a renowned center of learning would already know the intricacies of his sister’s position Tobias spoke carefully in response to the Headmistresses question.

“As you already know, Tsurans share a close bond with the Spirit of Wood. So close in fact that when one of our people is in need and invokes the goddess she will often assist them in some way. Phiobe and I are twins, and at our birth there were…complications. Our birth mother is the High Priestess of Viridpla, the voice of the goddess among our people. This closeness gifted me with a stonger connection to the goddess then most of my people, but it left Phiobe with pieces of herself missing. Don’t misunderstand, there was nothing wrong with her physically or mentally, but spiritually she needed more than what she was born with.
So the goddess gifted Phiobe with Ubrin.”

“How did this gifting take place?”

“The High Priestess told us that the goddess called all the creatures that would come to Phiobe to her. So for many days all sorts of strange creatures, fearsome beasts from the wilds, and gentle domestic animals came to where Phiobe was kept. Then one day all the animals departed the infant Phiobe’s side and a large ground swan matriarch appeared. In the matriarchs arms was what appeared to be a runt of a ground swan liter, Ubrin. He would have died, but after being placed next to Phiobe it became obvious they were meant for each other, that they were Shouhana. They complete each other. So I hope you can now understand why their being separated is unthinkable.”

For a few moments the Headmistress was thoughtfully silent before pursing her lips.

“I am unfamiliar with this term, Shouhana… but listening to your explanation it bears a remarkable similarity to something in the magical community we call a Familiar. Natural Familiars, if that is what Ubrin is for your sister, are exceedingly rare. However, Familiars in general are quite common among magic users.”

“Does that change things, Headmistress? If Ubrin is a Familiar?” Phiobe said, the hope obvious in her words.

“Yes child, it does indeed. There are special rules regarding Familiars. They are not considered pets, and so they are allowed in the dorms, but they are not allowed to wonder freely upon the ground of the school. You will be responsible for… his care as well as his behavior. Is that understood?”

The way Headmistress Imsenko was looking at her made it quite clear the woman wasn’t actually asking a question as much as letting Phiobe know that while Ubrin would now be allowed to stay in the dorms with them, if he caused trouble they would find themselves in quite a different situation.

“Yes, Headmistress.”

Gathering a few packets of papers off her desk, the Headmistress handed them to Tobias and Phiobe.

“Moving along then, these are your welcome packets. Inside you will find your initial schedules, as well as copies of our schools policies. You are scheduled for testing and class placement tomorrow, Firesday. Sunsday night is the New Term Celebration Ball. Attendance is mandatory for foreign students. I will be seeing you there.”

A soft knocking sound carried across the room before the door opened to reveal a young man with shockingly red hair.

“Ahh, good timing, Reginald. Mr. and Miss Lanae may I introduce Mr. Werth. He will be assisting me by giving you a tour of the campus and showing you to your dorms in the Foreign Students Housing Quarter.”

With that the Headmistress once more turned her attention to her papers making it clear they were dismissed.

Saying a soft “Thank you” before quickly gathering their packets, Tobias followed Phiobe and their unexpected tour guide through the Headmistress’s outer office and the halls of the Administration building until they had reached the entrance.

Reginald gave them a smile before opening the door and walking out into the daytime sun. Taking a deep breath and his sister’s hand, Tobias and Phiobe stepped together into the unknown.  

Sunday, March 10, 2013

W/S: Alternative Universes Vs Multiple Universes

This week on Writing Supernaturals, I'd like to talk about Universes and how that relates to authors as well as readers of Supernatural/Paranormal fiction.

Now there are a lot of different types of Universes that authors of fiction create. For this post were gonna set aside historical and present day fiction, since those don't carry supernatural/paranormal elements and go straight to those that do.

First off we'll discuss Present Day Paranormal universes, which most people often associate with Suburban Fantasy.

 A well known example of this type of story is Charmed. It featured supernaturals, but for the most part took place in a time when humans were about as advanced as they are in real life.

Now another type of story that shares some similarities with this type of universe is the type of present day paranormal fiction where the paranormals have been "exposed" and so everyone knows they exist, although not necessarily in a way that accepts them. And example of this would be the Rachel Morgan Series by Kim Harrison.

This type of universe takes a bit more work in my opinion, since it requires that the author take into account not only changing the history of earth, but also changing the views of the human race. This can either go really well or really badly from a believability stand point.  Ie. how exactly do you keep the supernaturals from taking over the world, without making it so that the human race would have already killed them out of xenophobic fear?

I personally didn't think i had any series which took place in this type of universe and then i realized i did. For me this would be my Gate's Crossing, Heart, Matchmaker, Curses, Superheroes, Demon, and Therapy series. And as an author this type of universe normally takes only a bit of a historical rewrite as adverse to an actual from scratch world.  The reason i consider this to be the case is that while certain  elements of the universe are hidden I.E. the magical etc. People are well aware that there are superheroes.

Next we've got Fantasy universes. This is fiction for which the author creates a new world which has it;s own history involving the supernatural/paranormal. Lord of the rings would fall into this category, were as Narnia would fall into the category of present day paranormal since the main characters hail from England.

This type of universe plays by your rules. You can feature as many "out there" ideas as you want and although you don't necessarily have to explain them it's often a good idea to stay consistent in what you decide to do.
For me this would be my Omaria universe which is being featured in my Free Fiction Tuesdays posts.

Now that we've gone over some basic universes, we run into a bit of an overlap a lot of the time. We have authors who write story where all different types of universe are rolled into one because different planets in the same universe have different rules. I personally think i'd have a hard time keeping things organized in my brain if i wrote a universe like that, which is true considering that my Gate's Crossing series has a large amount of fantasy world characters who pass under the radar, while also containing places where there are well known superheroes.

but say you're a writer and you want to write stories in all different types of supernatural genres?
The solution is one of two things.

Alternate realities/dimensions/universes or Multiple realities/dimensions/universes.

Alternate Universes are pretty common place. when you read a story and the Fey live on the "other side" of the veil? that's an alternate universe.

What I've done with my series is set them in alternate versions of earth, which the "gods" can travel between at will but aren't easily traversal by anyone else.
These would be:
 Earth (the Gate's Crossing series which share the majority of human history as we know it).
 Omaria (in which scientific advancement has stalled around the 1800's and for which history is completely different form earth is the culture given it's magic-centric focus.).
Terra ( which was scientifically-centric to the point of abandoning all forms of spiritual for the physical until they destroyed their planet and got busted back to the stone age. Apocalypse style.).

This way they are all connected to each other and really take place in One large META-UNIVERSE, cause that's what works for me.

Multiple Universes are also a route some people take. This is when you start a new series and it has nothing at all to do with the previous universe you worked in. Lot's of authors do this, especially if they get tired of working on a particular series's universe. They'll go in and start from scratch.
At this point in my writing because of the way I've created my universes, i wouldn't be comfortable going the multiple universes route. I've got enough on my plate with the meta-verse i've got, and even one universe has a lot of stories to tell.

Anywasy I wish everyone luck finding the type of universes that's right for them. Until next week.

Writing Supernaturals delay... sadface

I got caught up in reading a book, so there might be a delay until Sunday for this weeks Writing Supernaturals. (>_<) this is because I'm just heading to bed now, 8:38 am, and i don't know if i'll be up in time to write it before midnight.
If I do It'll be up, if not expect it tomorrow.
Sorry in advance,

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ask TheLostSigns #4

This week we've got a bet to settle. A FASHION BET!!! Let go to it! Rating system is 1-10, where 10 is the best and 1 means you're not neked.

Hey TheLostSigns,
Me and my pals... well, my arch nemesis, my ex-girlfriend, and some girl without a soul have decided to form a revolution. I thought we could use some new duds so i had these made. I think they're awesome so I bet those guys over at *name withheld for legal reasons* that our costumes were way better then theirs. What do you think?
Sorry Couldn't Originally Talk Trash 

 Well, SCOTT the picture you sent me has 6 people in it so it's hard to figure out who the 4 you mentioned are, thankfully you sent me a couple extras so I'm gonna give you my honest opinion.

So this is your new outfit? Dahhhling, you look like the movie Tron threw up on you. Seriously, you're a penis. An angry fucked up looking penis, possibly with some sort of developmental disorder. It's not supposed to be shaped like an "X". You need to call your people and get a refund. 
Rating: 3 outta 10, because at least you kinda tried.

This must be the Arch Nemesis. I like how he's going for the anonymous Lawrence of Arabia look. Although the white must get hell's dirty... I'm gonna say this is a win!
Rating: 8 outta 10, cause the gloves darling, the gloves. Just say no.

 Now we come to the ladies, the other is kinda young looking so i'm gonna say this smirky looking lady is your ex-girlfriend. I get what she was going for, but honey, too much cleavage. That thing is cut down to your belly button. You need to raise that a good 6 inches, and the we can talk. Also loose the gloves. Do you have man hands or something you gotta cover them up? You're not going to a show, so loose the Opera gloves. Maybe try some fingerless wrist length gloves next time kay?
Rating: 5 outta 10, cause it's just very sloppy, luv. Do better!

Now this girl may not have a soul, but she knows how to work that shit. This is what I'm talking about. She's basically wearing some cheap ass short-shorts, but she got them boots and them gloves and them arm bands and that KILLER JACKET. It's got no sleeve on one side, and the other has freakin' spikes!!! You shoulda gone to her for some fashion advice.
 Rating: 10 outta 10. Gurl you KIL'T it.

Let's add em up that give you 26 outta 40.

We got roped into this bet so we're going balls out, holla! We gonna keep it fair though, and only send over 4 of our guys. Check us out!
Just Like Amigos

Okay, JLA. Throw em at me!

 Kay, so I'm liking the blue and red and yellow., but what's up with the belt? Your pants are like skin tight. That's a little to much accessorizing. I like the little details on the hands, but loose the cape it's so "I'm a fancy superhero".
Rating: 7 outta 10, cause i don't hate it, but it's a bit too much. lol

 Oh, looks like we've got a furry. Senior Murcielago, again with the cape? Just no. I do like the gloves, tho. Also the cowl's just so theme park of the damned, you know, Do better next time.
Rating: 4 outta 10, seriously you look cheap. And not like hooker cheap, but like i made my own Halloween costume cheap. DISCOUNT!!!

Hmm, gold and green with sequins and a Mandarin collar. Love it. The belt breaks things up and the gloves are a nice touch, although i'd think you'd knock things over, as loose as they seem to be around your forearms. Very nice indeed.
Rating 9 outta 10, cause perfect-o, but fix the gloves please.

Ladies last, hmmm? well I'm liking the silver cuffs, that works pretty well. The silver is washing you out quite a bit tho. Also your, what appear to be, granny pants have stars on them...that's kinda wierd since i'm getting an overall American Flag vibe off of you. I can understand patriotic, but did you only have the material from ONE flag, cause that's a lotta skin. Must get cold fighting crime or whatever it is you do...?
Rating: 3 outta 10, cause I'm just not seeing it. You look a hot mess, gurl.

That's 23 outta 40 for you JLA.

To tally our votes: we've got SCOTT and his group with 26 and JLA with 23. Sorry JLA you're gonna have to wow me a bit more, instead of looking so half price. 

That's all for this week!