Saturday, September 20, 2014

Superheroes on the horizon?

So, i've known for a while that superheroes were part of my earth universe, but i couldn't figure out their purpose, where exaclty they'd fit in geographically wise, or what exactly they were.

I mean most cites are run by a pantheon of god-avatars. Plus the supernaural community polices it's own.

I recently , we'll say discovered, discovered that superheroes are superhumans and i define them as humans who have access to parts of their brains that base line humans don't have acces to and who develop abilities relating to telekinesis, advanced thought processing speed, and/or enhanced senses.

My superheroes are only those that gain abilities form using parts of their brain. Not from magic, or genetics.

I'll be writing a post about humans and the population of earth in the gates crossing universe soon.

Anywasy, that's it for now.

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