Monday, April 15, 2013


~sigh~ Let me be the first to tell you that I do not live in Boston, I don't know anyone in boston well enough to have their phone number or that of their friends/ family who would be able to run over on check on them. What does this mean to me, It means that the bombing that happened there is terrible, BUT that it has nothing to do with me. 
i don't know these people and while there are things i'd appreciate knowing like "Who did it?", "How many people died?", and "was there a reason?" that information takes like five minutes of watching the news if it's information that's available to the public
what it does Not take is hours of watching the same "devastatingly emotional" clips playing over and over again. That's fear mongering and emotional porn, and i personally find it disgusting. 
Please don't share that with me. Thank you.

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