Friday, April 12, 2013

Ask TheLostSigns #8

This week's "Ask TheLostSigns" is brought to you by famous video game character with problems!!! Gotta catch em all? We can help! Girlfriend get kidnapped a LOT? We've got a support group!

Dear TheLostSigns,
I'm scarred. I haven't even hit puberty yet, and i've been thrust into participating in these legalized animal fights. I just don't know how to deal with it you know. Some days it seems like i can't take to steps without being attacked by someone or something, and it's like the animals are smart you know? Like they've got feeling and lives and could have families, but instead they're angry or brainwashed or feral or something and people JUST don't seem to care. Like it's normal, you know? I don't understand why things are the way they are, and i want this to change but i don't know how to make it happen. Can you help me?
Always So Horrified

Dear ASH,
Thank you for writing in and sharing your story with us here at TheLostSigns. I'd like to start by saying i sympathize with the hardships your facing. You are not alone lots of people a born into or arrive upon trying situations. Please remember that your not alone.
It sounds to me like a lot of the cruelty to the beings that your so affected by is the result of the way things work in the place that you live. The easiest option i could suggest is moving somewhere where things arn't the way they are where you live. I'm sure there are others out there who feel the way you do and communtities that would welcome like minded individuals such as yourself.
BUT...that won't fix the overlying problem, which is that these things are legal and the social norm where you are now. Running away won't change that. IF you want to change the system you've got to work within it. Write your congressmen, talk to your city counsel leaders, use the internet to connect with other like minded individuals, and maybe even hold protests or rallies. Educate the masses on your ideals and try to understand their perspective as well as share your own. Open a dialog of mutual respect and hope for the best.
Good Luck!

Yo TheLostSigns,
Me and My brother, we've  got this problem. You see this girl we both know (She's my girlfriend now but he used to like her before he got one of his own.) gets kidnapped a lot, and we always have to go save her. It's gotten to the point where she's getting kidnapped allll the time. I'm afraid that soem of the things we 've been doing to save her are having negative affects on us. I'm not saying we're doing a lot of drugs or anything, but....okay yeah we're doing a lot of drugs and i think it's fucking up our bodies. I've been seeing ghosts and bullets flying at me out of nowhere, and i think the sun is trying to kill me. 
And don't even get me started on the outfits. Why am I so convinced dressing like a frog helps when i'm swimming? They're just clothes right?
Anyways...What do you think we should do?
Yours Truly,
Basically Running Outta Sense

Hey there BROS,
I...think you should leave your girlfriend. From what you say she's gotten you involved in some deep shit. If she's getting kidanpped all the time why are you the ones who have to rescue her, especially given the dangers inherent if it require drug use and costumes?
Where is this girls parents? Why haven't they called the police or other government agency? There are people who should be handling this, and i'm sorry but i don't see why that has to be you.
I'd also like to let you know that you aren't alone. There are lots of guys out there who have girlfriends this "happens" to and I recommend starting a support group and reaching out to each other. These so called rescue missions sound like they keep you isolated and in a drug induced haze away from friends and family who might try to help you or point out the dangers, or persuade you from persuing this path.
You're as much of a person as she is and no matter what anyone else says TheLostSigns truly believes you can't help anyone if you can't help yourself.
Good Luck

Thank you for stopping by for this week's installment. Only two more weeks to go and then "Ask TheLostSigns" will be going on an indefinite hiatus. Don't worry I've already got something planned to take it's place. Laterz!

1 comment:

  1. This is very different advice then what I have been reading in the past. Very working within the system and community services kind of thing. I like it. But then again I always enjoy your columns and can't wait for next weeks addition.
