Sunday, September 22, 2013

Working on NaNoWriMo and other stuff... ^_^

So i'm still working on the plot to my NaNoWriMo entry. yey me.
i've got pretty much the entire back story, and i've fitted it into Universe 1.
I've also gone ahead and figured out the over arching drama plot in the story so now i just need a few more points of contention to add.

In other news, i started writing Curses, but i stopped cause i got tired in RL so i've only got a few paragraphs down. sad face.

Next up I've been rattling around some werewolf things in my brain that i was initially gonna use for the NaNoWriMo book, but have decided that i'm gonna make it's own series too. Maybe i'll do a spin off character setup.

The NaNoWriMo book comes after book one of the Gate's Crossing series, but before Book 2 of the Gate's Crossing series.

Maybe i post the Werewolf hierarchy soon. smooches!


  1. Good luck on NaNoWriMo! It sounds like you're going to be all ready when November rolls around. ^_^

    1. Thanks, Ms. Locke! I'm trying, lol. Good luck to you, as well, i know you've got a bunch of things scheduled. ^_^
