Saturday, December 29, 2012

WS: D/S Relationships

"I'm in charge!" "NO! I'M IN CHARGE!!"

I read a lot..AAAA LOOOOTTT of supernatural/paranormal fiction, and one of my largest deal breakers when it comes to choosing a story is the portrayal of Dominant and Submissive relationships.

Now, don't get me wrong I love me a good story and i'm open minded to different portrayals of this dynamic, but my problem stems from specifically Shifters (Were-animals) and Vampire portrayals.

For these two character types, D/S relationships are almost gaurenteed to be a large part of the story.
It's always the same old, same old.

The shifter is almost always larger then the human and an Alpha and/or a Dominent, and in this case is almost always a wolf/dragon or other large breed predator.
If the shifter is smaller than the human then the human takes on the Dominant arch type while the shifter is an omega or runt of the litter, or otherwise submissive breed of "pet" like animal.
Or in the case of two shifter the larger is an Alpha and/or dominant while the smaller is an omega or generally submissive "breed", like a house cat.

AND EVERY TIME a shifter finds their mate they are overcome with the desire to have sex with said mate immediatly regardless of location. "But they're soulmate!" "It's animal instinct!" Uh, animals don't actually behave like that unless the female is in heat, humans don't normally go into it's kinda completely inaccurate.

when a vampire is paired with a non vampire the vampire is almost always a Master Vampire of sometype, and take the Dominant role.
when the vampire is paired with another vampire the older vampire is normally the Dominant while the younger is submissive due to either having been "sired" by the other or because of inherent submissive personality caused by some kind of issue instead of actually being a natural submissive. Can't claim natural submissiveness if you've been turned into a magical creature.

Also the vampire is at the minnimum 2x the age of a they're "partner" when Dominant, while submissives are often newly turned or significantly younger than they're Dominant.


Portrayals of other supernatural/paranormal creatures often follow a similar patern if you take into account that any hybrid of human and animal normally follows the shifter example, while and imortal diety not associated with an animal, any type of fey, as well as most human magic users, follow the vampire example.

It becomes a bit tedious. I encourage writers to switch it up. There's more to D/S relationships then is exampled in most of the works i read, a lot of which are mainstream.

And lest it be overlooked during this post, there is more to Supernatural/Paranormal Creatures than D/S relatioships. Especially for Vampire and Shifters.

Get some new material.


******EDIT 12/31******

Just finished reading two books in a series about Werewolves and it recalled to mind a topic of D/S relationships in these genres that i find supper irritating because of its stereotypical-ness.

It's the fact that  Dominant partners are NEVER inclined to assume receptive roles during sexual situations. While submissive partners NEVER  required or seem interested in taking on active roles.

This, I've found is most common in M/M romance of this genre where the Dominant partner never bottoms because the authors and perhaps the readers infer that bottoming means you are less Dominant or perhaps more vulnerable.

When switched to M/F romance the female character if Dominant often engages in sexual activity from a "girl on top" postion, While the male dominant character i portrayed the same as in M/M romance.

I've found though that close examintation of the characters actions reveal that a character portrayed is Dominant in these circumstances is often Controlling and protective (paranoid) outside the bedroom while in the bedroom they are demanding, BUT not focused on their own pleasure to the point that sexual activity is often entirely in the hands of the Submissive partner who does absolutly nothing but recieve attention.

Some of you may ask, "But isn't that what D/S relationships are?".

To that i say, Dominant partners can be controling and are often intiator the when it comes to sexual activity, however, the Dominant partners role at it's basis is to have thier needs/desires fulfilled by the submissive partner. The submissive partners role is to fulfill the needs/desires of the Dominant partner, most often recieving pleasure from pleasing their partner.
A "submissive" partner who lies back and does nothing but give them selves over to the "dominant" partner, who in turn works dilligently to provide said "submissive" with pleasure, is not actually taking a submissive role, but is in fact taking on a Dominant role. While the "Dominant" is taking on the role of submissive by focusing on fulfilling their partners needs and placing those above their own.

This can be identified also in the often seen example of the "Dominant" who is abusive or does not acknowledge their relationship with their "submissive", and then when the "submissive" has met someone else (a rival), or the the couple has borken up or been seperated with or without the "dominant" fighting to maintain the relationship.
Under these circumstances you find that the "Dominant" partner becomes obssessed with the "Submissive" partner often to the degree of not taking care of themselves, becoming depressed or suffering mood swings even while maintaing a denial that they don't actually want to be with the "submissive" while the "submissive" often is saddened but soon becomes angry and begins to move on with their life rather quickly while rembering their "dominant" fondly.
If you switch the Dominant and submissive labels in the previous two paragraphs the fact that the story still make sense if not more sense shows that the author hasn't taken into account the personalities of Dominants and  Submissive.

I should say however that not all Real Life dominant and Submissives behave in the same ways. Some may follow the examples i've described while some may not, however i should point out that the MAJORITY of D/S relationships in romance today follow only the one path painting a singularly monochromatic landscape in regards to D/S relationships while at the same time misrepresenting a lot of the things which label D/S relationships as D/S relations.

KK that's all for now. ^_^

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Holidays!

So i had a very nice equinox on the 22nd. The first time in a while i actually remembered to celebrate on the correct day. It's been a wonderfull Yule as well. ^_^
Watched "The Preachers Wife" and "The Nightmare Before Christmas" yesterday with my mom, which was nice.

Taking the time to relax as much as i can during this time in preperation for the excitement of next year, so i haven't really been recording or writing to much. i haven't been playing WOW either.

Anywasys, i think somemore about working on my blog a bit and i might try to badger my mother into writing a piece for my "Writing Supernaturals" series, or maybe something else.

kk Smooches!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving.
It's been about 2 weeks since my last post, so i thought i'd stop by.

I haven't been playing WoW (although I'm still paying for it every month) since my mom hasn't been playing and i'm a bit over playing panderia even though i haven't even gotten past the starting area, since i kinda worked myself into a corner with my alts.

I haven't been working on any of my books, since i've been a bit preoccupied with other RL things like being crazy. lol

I've been recording a bit, but i haven't done anything i think i'd want to release.

I might be moving soon and going back to school so i've been thinking a lot about that, tho.

Anywasy, i'll be stopping in again soon.


Friday, November 23, 2012

WS - Telepathy

So to kick off this blog series i thought i'd start with the subject that gave me the idea for the series in the first place: Telepathy.

For those of you who don't know I've been writing stories with supernatural/ paranormal themes and creatures and abilities. *I'm gonna have to look up the difference between supernatural and paranormal. lol
Anywasy, since i'm pretty open about the abilities featured in my Gate's Crossing, Omoria, and Heart series I tend to run across certain ideas and concepts i don't really think i could work with.
One of those concepts is telepathy.

Now, I've got Empathy in my Omoria series and i'm okay with it, but the idea of telepathy bugs me.
I can understand say broadcasting ones thoughts, so I'm fine with that aspect of it, I'm even slightly okay with the idea that someone or thing with electrical senses might be able to "read" someone else's thoughts at a real time level or even with a bit more work access memories, but I'm not at all comfortable with the idea of someone or something accessing someone else's "mindscape" and delving through their motivations and thoughts while maintaining some kind of context instead of seeing something resembling a "movie" with additional sensory information.

I most definitely consider other similar abilities allowable such as fighting, moving, etc. on the Astral Plane, as well as dream walking and misc. things having to do with souls and/or minds without bodies, per say. Higher conciousnesses are tottally fine as are inanimate object with consciousness who use projection of thought to communicate.

I'm also fine with the idea of inviting someone into your mindscape, since that can be spun from a projection stand point.

I guess i'm just not fine with the sort of all powerful telepaths that i see in most mainstream examples of telepaths. Although i do love the work other people have done on the subject i guess it's just not for me. ^_^

Writing Supernaturals

Hey, all.
So this is gonna be new blog series I'm starting. A lot of the stuff covered in it will be similar to things covered in the two personal reference books I'm compiling, but i thought it'd be cool to post some stuff on here.
I'll be going over things i like, things i don't get, thing i think would work, etc.
Hope y'all will join me in the comment section to share your views and stuff.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Procrastination FTW! ^_^

So I've been putting of doing stuff for a bit, since i''m recovering from household dramas.


But I've decided i need to do stuff so i've been playing a bit of WOW althought i haven't done that much since my moms not playing at the moment.

I need to start working on my books again. I really want to make some progress on "Heart of Stone", the book i started for NaNoWriMo event hough it's not gonna be finished in time for the end of the event.

I really wanna write an epic world series, so i wanna get started on the Omaria series.

Thats it for now. smooches!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Video! Damn you Glee!

So i heard a new song from the next Glee episode on youtube called "There are worse things i could do from the movie Grease.
And it was so awesome i had to do a cover. lol
So i did one and here it is.

i think it turned out okay.
hope ya'll like it.


So i cut some stuff a few days ago, and moved it to the third book in the "Heart Series". Sadly figuring that out threw me off my stride and i haven't written anymore, since getting my numbers back up to 4,771. So i've fallen behind by aroung 10,000 words at this point, sad face.

I gonna try and catch up i think, hopefully i'll be able to do so.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gah..3055 words so far.

So i'm at 3055 words and i'm still in the prologue, which is apparently the word for the part at the begining of the story which i didn't realize. I thought it was prelogue and prologue but it's actually prologue and epilogue. >_<

Anywasy i still haven't finished everything on my list, but I got done with 2 parts of the 6 parts for the prologue. I wrote about Perseus, and then i wrote about Euryale and now I'm gonna write about Stheno, before i come around to medusa, then medusa and perseus, and the the final paragraph part.

Then it's off and running for the main story.

I'm letting my mom read as i finish each part, and she was like "This is wonderful, it's way to good a prologue for PWOP" and i was like i agree. lol so i might put all the prologues together in their own book after i get done with the series. ^_^ They're definitly gonna be put together in the beastiery i'm working on.

kk smooches!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaNoWriMo book. New beginnings.

So i got down my basic premise. I've come up with a tittle and this has led to 2 more books making this a series.

So the series's working tittle is "The Heart series", it sucks but...
anywasy, the first book is gonna be called "Heart of Stone" while the other 2 tittle are "Heart of Glass" and "Heart of Ice", might do another book making 4 tittle called "Heart of Gold" doesn't really match up with the idea's i'm using unless i go to indian mythology...

Kay Kay so my goal for tommorrow is to start on my list of 8 questions and tasks i need to accoplish to get started.
Also i should work a bit more on the blurb and figuring out if my characters have last names and what they look like.
wish me luck. ^_^

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


So my good friend brought to my attention the NaNoWriMo event and i've decided to participate. I'm super excited. I'll keep everyone updated on my progress, Kay? ^_^

New characters, new plot, new book. The event calls for 50.000 words so we'll see...
I've decided that even tho i've got an idea of what i want to write i'm gonna refrain from starting until the first of November, which is when the event starts. So that means no definitive title, no names of characters or specifics of their backrounds or appearance. No settings. All i'm allowing is a loose premise.

wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Frostweave Cloth is EVIL!!

..and expensive on the AH.

Today I spent like a thousand gold on frostweave cloth cause i needed like 450 pieces to get my way up to embersilk on my DK.

They need to fix that, the economy on wow is stupid, and stupidly out of wack.
I still think they should make it impossible to price things on the AH for more then 3x the vendor price.

Anywasy i think i'm gonna go run dungeons on my paly or something i need gear for my alts.

Monday, October 22, 2012

So WOW, then?

So I'm still playing WoW new expansions, i think specificly onee where new alts are involved like Cataclysm and MoP, always cause me scheduling problems since i don't neccessarily want to level my main right off the bat.
So i've been working on getting my monk and shaman up, and let me tell you low level duengeouns are bullshit right now. People think that they can just roll need on everything and the other half don't even care! But those item are going for 100's of gold on the AH. Just cause it's not important to the people gold hording doesn't mean that the rest of us can afford to lose out on every item. Dicks...

SO yeah leveling Shammy and monk they're at lvl 18 right now, both healing specs. I'm thinking my mom should go healing spec on her monk instead of least until 30. we'll try it and see how it works...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Vocals, grrrr....

So my voice has been a bit iffy for a few's gotten really high i feel, which is fine and all if i could control it more, but it just slips into gear and off it goes..of key i might add.

I've been listening to Faith Evans, I love her. She's so talented. I bought her "Faithfully" album in 2001 when it came out and i forgot how good it was. anyways hers for Faith to tide you over till i can whip my voice into control. ^_^

City of Mirrors? Where's the mirrors?

So yeah i realized that i kinda spaced on the whole villian part of the plot. He's not really doing any of the things that make him so important to the story, so i need to figure out how to get that into the mix.

I did however decide to cut back on the Hero's "powers", and am still working out why he's immortal, since if it's just based on his supernatural charcteristic there'd be a bunch more of them (immortals) running around then i feel there should be.

That's about it for this series.

WoW is going DOWN!! MUAHAHAHA!!

So here's where i'm at on WoW.

Preist- 85 - Doing some of the intro quests to panderia and focusing on my Jewelcrafting and dis-enchanting stuff.

Druid- 85 - Playing with my mom, we went to panderia but were trying to focus a bit on her Alchemy.

Paladin- 85 - woot woot! I hit 85 and went of to panderia. ^_^ Slightly behind my priest in questing, and slightly ahead of my druid, but i'm haveing a great time using gathering materias with mining and herbalism. Sooo awesome. SQUEEEE!!

DK- 69 - Still working on getting my tailoring up to 425. I still need like 650 frostweave cloths. Our guild bank has like 1000+ Emberweave it's almost taking up a whole page..>_<

Warrior- 54 - On hiatus a smidge, cause i started working on my paly instead.

Mage- 50 - On hiatus, cause it was irritating me...

Warlock- 35 - On hiatus, cause i don't wanna. lol

Rogue- 26 - Energy literally makes me wanna kill my own character.

Hunter- 14 - I got a dragonhawk a while back, took me 2 hours to get to eversong woods from darnassus. Never again.

Shaman- 12 - Holding pattern while me and my mom figure out who's gonna be paired with her.

Monk- 12 - Holding pattern till we dicide who'll pair with her, and if i like playing a monk.

I've been sick, argh..

My brother got sick and we've been passing it back and forth in my house for the last 2 weeks. yey, us...*brain explosion*

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Feminism vs Stupidity

watched this video on youtube from the Factuary

and in the comments i saw these posts:

This is a pile of shit
1. Wage Gap is a myth because you dont quantify Divorce statistics into this, no one does. Where if a couple stay married the children- both MALE and FEMALE children will inherent the mans money and wife- you dont look at in this why men die much earlier than women because have to work themselves to death, whilst women tend to stay home. AND in divorce the womyn will get more than half assets without working for them. So this ontop on how the adverage is used makes it BS.

2. You dont say that violent crime is far higher as a police statistic to men than women, where rape is such an insignificant crime figure it is hardly registerable. Rape culture like Pay gap is simply there to have advantaged the concept that women are victims thus giving them better leverage in Divorce- see point 1. Rape culture is the concept that men are a privileged sex who dont have to think about anything and this is usually there to hide the fact women like to try and ape male behaviour.

3. No rapist has ever been let off from a rape, because of how the female was dressed. What rape investigation does do is try to determine if the female is lying based upon other more malign reasons out of female psyche - that are proven, incase the rape isn't real. Rape is invented just as female agency uses victimization as to being intimidated or threaterned in certain situations usually where they have not been and is used therefore to have proxy violence performed instead.

4. reproduction- Rape is always used as the defense of abortions where in reality the Pill and Abortion have all been instruments of Feminism for them to become post-human and ape male behaviours using female abandonment, the lilith believe of male-privilege...only then to conflict with those ill concieved ideas returning to victimhood, female agency, sexuality, rape culture etc...
In reality most terminations are performed by female social factors and empowerment, this is a female kill-theory.

Seriously..? This person is fucking retarded in a bad way.

My responses are as follows
1. Since the wage gap applies to women who work and not women who don't work divorce statistics don't apply. Bringing that up is the same as saying there are only a few (insert racial miority)'s that work legally in the U.S. so they shouldn't make they same amount of money as the majority <- Slavery, anyone? 
1. Secondly if your working in stereotypes, women who "stay home" are expected to budget the household finances (shoping), cook, clean, raise children, and provide sex for their husbands (regardless of if they do or not it is a societal expectation) which if you HIRED someone to do would be very expensive. Personal Chefs, Maids, Accountants, Personal Shoppers, and Child care. Child care alone costs upwards of $300 a week if you have a full time job.
1. Third, inheritance laws work both ways as do divorce laws. A widower may recieve their spouses property upon their death. If a husband makes less money than his wife he may be entitled to recieve allimony payments upon their divorce. Just because men often choose not to pursue these rights, or the circumstances don't favor those types of rulings, do not mean that men are not entitled to equal treatment under the law in those cases.

2. Rape culture is there to promote the concept that women are victims, and to brain wash women into believing it themselves. This allows men to dominate them through fear tactics. Your statement that men are a privlidged sex is in fact reafirmed by your later statement that "women like to "TRY" to ape male behavior". Behavior in humans is ALL human behavior, seperating it into male and female behaviors is just reaffirming that you believe male behavior has some sort of MALE ONLY sign on it.

3. hat is proven is that rape victims are often shamed/bullied based on how they're dressed and so many never come foreward to accuse their rapist through legal means. If someone is traumatized they can legaly be said to be INCOMPETENT. This means they are unable to decide for themselves if what happened to them bears investigation or not. So if a woman is shamed into not accusing her rapist that's coercion, if she believes that coercion she's incompetent and the rape is not invalidated.

4. Abortion in most cases is used to prevent bringing a child into this world whose 1) parents don't want them, 2) parents can't support them, 3)possibly have life threatening birth defects, 4) being brought to term would endanger the life of their mother as well a s themselves. All 4 of those can result in death for the child anyway, where as abortion would cause death but limited suffering. 
4. continued- Death by abuse, death by starvation/environment(freezin
­g to death,etc),death by tay-sachs (where your own body soffucates you), death by manslaughter of the spouse of the person who's supposed to then raise you? These are the things your saying are OKAY, that we should allow people to bring children into the world knowing they will suffer these things. That's more than a little sadistic.

5. Are you a robot? were you not born from a women? and yet you do not seem to respect that she is a human being, and entitled to the same rights as any other human being regardless of gender. I'd be ashamed if you were my child, and if i knew that you'd be inflicting such prejudical and toxic veiws upon the world, well...lets just be glad that your not. i know i am, i hear prison is very rough.

Yep I went there. what a misogynist, give a bad name to people everywhere.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

WoW Pet Battles!!

SO yey i get to do pet battles even though i don't have MoP. wooohoooo

Now I just have to decide on my team. ^_^
I'm thinking i'm gonna have to have more then 3 though. and i can't seem to find one that has good attacks versus beast type pets.

anywasy smooches

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

It's alive!!! O_O

So yeah MoP is out today, or well 9hours ago. I couldn't afford to buy it yet so i don't have it. The good news is that pandas are playable even if you don't have the expansion so i made my Shammy panda. yey me.
Although since i want to do the starting area with my mom i have to wait till she wakes up and gets online..hopefully before i go back to sleep.

In related news i've decided to go with the following proffesions on my shamy:
1) Cooking- Cause pandas get a bonus, yesss sir!
2) Alchemy- take the buffs from cooking and add them to the buffs from alchemy and i'll be buff-tastic.
3) Inscription- So i can buff every one else!! yey. also staffs are a good thing for healers so i'll be able to do that

You'll also notice that bothe primary profs use herbalism. My paly is a herb/miner so i can just go round up all my herbs and send them to my shammy every couple of levels.

As far as my monk goes, my expectation when i get MoP is that i'll take enchanting and tailoring on it. the reason for this is that i have insane bananas enchanting stuff but getting high end ones is a pain because i don't like playing end game stuff on my priest who has enchanting. Also tailoring will benefit said priest since getting gear is such a compettiotion on the AH, and since i'm going healing i should be able to level pretty quickly and surpass my other to tailors (my dk 68, and my warlock 35)

Sounds like a plan.

Updated alliance levels are as follows:

Priest- 85
Druid- 85
Paladin- 80
Death Knight- 68
Warrior- 54
Mage- 50
Warlock- 35
Rogue- 26
Hunter- 14
Shaman- 1
*Priest- 1 <- but only cause its a place holder for my eventual monk charachter. I like me my names. lol

that's what i got so far smooches!

Monday, September 24, 2012

New page layout! ^_^

Just because i can. Also I did a photoshoot last month and now i can use the pics for something ^_^

New Cover Videos: All Amy ALWAYS!!!

So i gave up cigarettes for a few days and it made me...wierd..and so i decided i'd sing a bit, cause that's how my brain works.
And my vocals were all out of control cause my mind was all over the place.

But then i started smoking again and decided to redo "Addicted" by Amy Winehouse which i've been planning to redo for about a year as a vocal comparrison to the first time i uploaded one. So i did that lol.

Then while i was at it I did a cover of "Cupid" by Amy Winehouse, the original is by sam cooke whom i luv ^_^.

I also did a cover of "All my Loving" by the beetles, but with the Amy Winehouse backing arrangement..which i decided not to post but i'm telling you about anyways so you'll know what you've been spared. lol

Over all i think "Cupid" was the better of the vocals over all. Although my vocals were pretty high throughout.

Oh and here's a link to the first time i did "addicted" back in 2009. ^_^

Still doing stuff...writing

So yeah i'm still doing stuff with my writing. I have like no focus most of the time.

Update wise, i made a "document" for the therapy series i wanna write. should be fun since i wanna set it up like case notes, and have the dialog/scenes be transcribed recordings of sessions. I.E. it's just gonna be talking without anything resembling descriptions of what going on.

On the Gates Crossing front I hit another road block in the first chapter although it's set up a bit better this time so i should be able to write myself out of it.
i'm thinking i should go in and writ the prologue and 1st chapter cutscene, before i start moving foreward though. also i need to fleshout my plot a bit. It's pretty muc a straight shot from the start to te end and i think it's a bit more stuff to make it interesting. More of the sense of really telling the story and not just streamlining it so it makes sense to someone who knows whats going on, i.e. me, lol, which is where it's at now.

Planning on going in and jotting down ideas for the Omoria series, before they dissapear completely from my head.

Mirror Mirror series is on hiatus because i'm a hot mess and i have to much stuff in my head right now. @_@

I'm gonna try to add to the "companion" books when i umm feel like it? but hopefully a bit more often then i'm doing now. They're for my reference first and foremost so i'm not in a big rush about getting them finished since that's kind of an impossible goal. Plus editing them all the time would be time consuming.

Thats about it for now. kk. smooches!!

"Dead Fantasy" is super awesome!

So I just watched "Dead Fantasy" on youtube for the very first time. I actually stumbled upon refrences to it on the Final Fantasy wiki and was intrigued.


It is super awesome fantasticness.

For those of you who don't know its an "animated" battle royal of Final Fantasy (although since it includes a kingdom hearts character i guess it's more like square enix) characters fighting Dead or Alive characters. Theres a plot i think but i have no idea what it is, soo there. lol

It was created by Monty Oum, here the link to his youtube. Apparently he does other stuff, i have no idea what that stuff maybe. lol
Currently i wondering what the compiled clips (which run for 30 something minutes) would be like if i muted the music and played songs like "Lady Marmalade" and "How Many Licks"(by Lil' Kim ft Sisqo for those not in the know), i'm thinking it'd be hell'a funny.

So check it out!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

"Madoka Magica" review

Just got done watching "MadoKa Magica" on Hulu.
Slightly Yuri in nature, which is fine, this anime is a bout "magical girls". It's a actually really dark in my opinion and not something i would reccomend for children or even young adults, because the way it's laid out conveys ideals such as human worth, selfishness, death, and the consequences of naivete in a way that is very jarring.

I think it's an anime that is better suited to a mature individual who is aware that negative things happen in the world without getting depressed about it or needing to sugar coat it.

I'd reccomend it for watching as long as people arn't fooled by the intial premise of the magical girl genre. it's very deep thematicly.

I found the character of Kyubey very intriguing since he's set up like this "angel" like being going around granting wishes and giving out super powers, when he's actually serving the purposes of his own culture and knowingly withholding information in order to recruit magical girls in order for them to become "corrupted" and become the very enemies(witches) they were recruited to fight causing a vicious cycle of futility and pain for those girls.
Kyubey is doing those things for the higher purpose of perserving the universe, but the question then becomes one of "Is your purpose better then anyone elses?"
While pursuing his own agenda of saving the universe he only reveals certain facts to the magical girls after thing have happened in a way that they can figure things out on their own.
~For example it isn't until after Sayaka's soul gem(created during the magical girl creation process and the focus of their magical power) is thrown away by main character Madoka that it is revealed that Soul Gems are actual souls. That what the girls had always known as their bodies had become shells that simply responded to their "minds" hidden away in their soul gems.
 ~Another occurs when Kyoko witnesses Sayaka become a witch. It is only then that Kyubey reveals that his purpose of saving the universe and that the change from magical girls to witch is the actual purpose of creating magical girls in the first place, since the energy released at that moment is the one being used to save the universe. This can also be viewed as Kyubey not caring about granting wishes or fighting witches, but caring only about recruiting girls and standing by (perhaps even gleefully) watching and waiting for the monet when they actual destroy themselves, becom the thing they''ve been fighting against.

The anime in a round about way explores this issue as well as, "Is selflessness actually selfish?" The girls in the anime have to wish for something in order to become magical girls and kyubye then grants their wish.
~Mami wishes to survive after an accident which may have killed her, but after surviving and becoming a magical girl she risks her life during every battle and is cut off from the world around her before eventually being killed. So her selfish wish results in a simple delay of the eventual, and causes her suffering.
~Sayaka selflessly wishes for her crush to be healed so he can return to playing the violin, because his injury no longer allows for that and the lose is causing him to mental instability. However upon regaining his health one of her friends confesses to liking him and having become a magical girl with a soul seperated from her body she no longer feels like she's even human and is thus unworthy of being with her crush in any significant way. She then has a breakdown and turns into a witch, turning on her friends when they attempt trying to return her to her previous state, and eventually needing to be "put down"at the cost of another magical girls life.
~Kyoko again wishes selflessly that people will listen to her father who is an excomunicated priest preaching a new religion. when this wish is granted and people again return to her father conrigation when he learns its the result of "magic" he goes crazy and kill the rest of her family and then himself. She develops a selfish attitude but after seeing someone else follow her same path of selfless wishing(Sayaka) and learning that magical girls become witches she tries to help sayaka before sacrificeing herself to destroy what the magical girl had become. In a way selflessly stopping a threat, but also selfishly avoiding the same fate.

The Main Character is thought to be Madoka for most of the episodes until it is revealed that this is actually Homura's story. Homura, a shy girl who is saved and befriended by Madoka. Homura who becomes a magical girl after watching Madoka die fighting a very powerful witch. Homura whos wish is to be strong enough to protect her dear friend Madoka and gains the ability to stop and go back in time. Homura who has tried and tried to stop Madoka from dying, first through trying to help her in the "final battle", then trying to complete the final battle herself, then trying to prevent Madoka from becoming a magical girl at all. Repeating the month over and over again and never being able to stop Madokas death, in one instance killing her herself in order to prevent her becoming a witch. In fact her repeatitive changing of the timestream results in Madoka becoming more and more likely to be recruited as a magical girl.

Madoka herself in what can be thought of as the timeline for most of the series, is forced to mature very quickly and in the end eventually becomes a magical girl, using her enourmous potential(which got that way because of Homura) to prevent any witches from existing or having existed, ever. She become a law of the universe having recreated it with her wish, giving up her humanity and any memory of herself on earth. However magical girls still are created and still die fighting "being directly from the darkness" in order to gether a different form of energy for Kyubey's people.

Interesting themes to cover and that's not the half of it.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Hmm, New Scenes for "City of Mirrors"

Worked on "City Of Mirrors" a bit, and was surprised that a number of scenes needed to be added.

I was under the impression that I knew exactly how the story would unfold, but i guess it's easier to know what happens when you know what happens..>_<

Hopefully I'll be working on the book somemore soon. ^_^

Pre-Mop time.

The new system is getting hotfixed left and right...rolling restarts have happened almost every day this week.

Right now I've got my:

Priest 85- not doing to much on her, waiting for theramore scenario to open. although i did do the deathwing half of LFR and i like the new system. Healing is a problem unless i'm very responsive, due to cast times.

Druid 83- Still gotta get her up to 85. best Healer i've played so far with the new patch.

Paly 79- Almost up to 80, trying to hit 85 before MoP sonce she's got mining and herbalism. I've also switched her to tanking since it seems to be working much better right now.

DK 66- working tailoring so i can compress all the stacks of Embersilk that we have in the guildbank. Also trying to raise reputation with the Aldor, just hit honored. Tried tanking and it was a hot mess, holding threat is a huge problem.

Warrior 52- Tanking is a problem though slightly better then DK tanking. Leveling with my moms Shaman (51-DPS), which is her new main.

Mage 50- Leveling based on rested-ness. Got inscription high enough to thin out all the WLK herbs from the guildbank. Alchemy is falling behind though.

Warlock 35- Pretty much on hold for now, haven't played since before the patching started. Paired for now with my moms Priest (35).

Rogue 26- On hold, but paried with my moms Paly (19) for now.

Hunter 13- been on hold for a long while. lol

*Shaman 1- currently acting as a place holder for the name i want. when MoP launches I plane on making a Pandarean Shaman.

*Monk 0- Don't have a monk yet, but plan on making a Human monk after MoP launches.

*** Now you maybe wondering why i'm not making a Panda monk. the reason for this is that I expect after the launch to see 2 things happen, lots of people making panda characters AND lots of people going to Pandarea. These 2 things will most likely cause me a ginormous amount of lag.
So in order to avoid lag i planed on making a human monk and playing that for a few days until i felt enough people had gotten the whole PANDAS!! thing out of their systems. Then i planned on making a shaman panda and going to pandarea. ^_^

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lots of wow, i guesss.. ^_^

This week i did the Sunwell raid, I also changed my paly to a prot/holy spec. (I'm mainly running prot) ,

Updated levels:

Druid 83
Paly 76
DK 65
Mage 44

yey me! ^_^

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

For the Alliance!! but not really.. >_<

Today I killed Lady Sylvanas, who is in my minda gigantic pain in the ass..she kept moving around and dissapearing and stuff. She's super badass. ^_^

Also killed Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff and The dude from Silvermoon City who's name i can't remember. lol
 People were "/yell" out thing like "For The Alliance!" and i was, like, "Seriously why don't you let all the horde players know we're here? what part of stealth don't you understand?" lol

Anywasy I got's me a bear, and here i am in Dallaran riding it and waving at you:


Monday, August 13, 2012

WoW update and thingies..

kk so my druid is 82, my paly is 72, my dk is 64, and my mage is now 39. yey me. ^_^

Today I was part of a group on my server that got the achievement for killing Garrosh in Ogrimmar. It was okay, i guess. i just know that killing Sylvanas would be a major pain..she's so far underground it'd be a hassle...

I other news i made like a bazzilion white smoke flares for engineering and since i didn't really need them i used them to draw stuff in Ironforge..

Saturday, August 4, 2012

we consume content too fast?

This is the blog post i did on the forum ( ) about WoW...

hmmm.. I've been catching the blue posts from that thread for weeks over on mmo-champion, and I think Dratzel has a point.

I notice too, that there arn't any blue posts on the subject replying to posts from the "other side", since i'd assume there must be people who "enjoy/experience more of" the game because of the "nerfs"

Personally, I had a hard time when Cata came out because of lag (which is still a problem for me in SW, and certain raids & 5-mans) and because my one and only 85,and main, is a Priest. I ran 5-mans for a while after i hit 85, but i could barely heal Vortex Pinnacle with my play style so i wasn't even gonna touch heroics (I still don't do them for the same reason), Then they released the Zul's and HoT/WoE/End time ones and they were easier to heal, in the sense that i could actually heal them without causing wipes. Then they released the Raid Finder and i got the chance to do DS (which i still can't do well).

I'm in 381 gear, I've got major enchants and high end JC (trainer taught) gems, and raids and what not are still difficult for me, i feel, cause my healing output isn't what i'd like it to be.

I've played for a little more then 3 years, and honestly my progression is Normal 5-man, Heroic 5-man(depending on difficulty) and LFR once a month (if that). In addition I play some 30hrs a week. My mom (whom i joined me in playing wow) just hit 81 after almost a year and a half of play time. She's out dps'd in groups by characters lvl 70-71, seriously we ran Blackrock caverns and she did like 5% of the damage for the entire instance, and so she feels uncomfortable playing in groups, BUT she, like me, would still like to see the instances, collect the pets and mounts, gain tittles. She plays the same amount of time as i do every week and i don't see why she shouldn't get the oppurtunity? 

Now what do I mean by oppurtunity? Well this post is about "consuming content to fast", right? Well, I agree content is consumed to fast, and why?
Because the developers put in things like :

~ quest givers right in the 5-man instance, that reward blues.
~ the AH combined with increased gold caps, which result in economic inflation.
~ and, most importantly, HEIRLOOMS.

Taken at face value each thing has made it easier to progress.

~The in instance(5-man) questgiver make it easier to take quests and turn them in for rewards that progress your character through both gear and experience, considering blues in questing normaly come at the end of long quest chains.

~The AH gold thing has made it harder for new people, and people who don't "play" the AH, to use the AH as a way to progress their characters. Seriously, where is an entry level character supposed to come up with 20g for a stack of peacebloom? And don't say guild or friend or whateves. are they supposed to panhandle in the streets? cause i've seen people do that in SW. 

~Heirlooms sole purpose was to make leveling an alt a faster experience.

The problem, as I see it, is that there seems to be a number of people who believe that these features are the "minimum" when in fact they're very large and tangible "buffs" that benefit only some of the players of the game.
~Don't run 5-mans? don't get blues regularly
~Don't have massive amounts of gold or "play the AH"? You farm everything yourself and what you sell you get vendor price for.
~Don't have an Alt who can buy an heirloom piece or pieces? Again you have to gear yourself.

So I look at these players I group with in 5-mans (lvl 15-80) who are wearing heirlooms or all blues, with northrend gems in their lvl 45 relic, and BC/WLK enchants and then i look at myself or my mom or the low dps/healer/tank that's being called out in chat for not rushing through a 5-man in 15 minutes, and I think :
~"Do these people not realize that this 5-man was made to be 35 minutes long at our level?"
~"Do they realize that a healer/tank that's lvl, say, 30 in a 30-40 instance isn't actually supposed to be capable of doing it that fast regardless of skill level?"
~"Why do they call me a n00b healer/tank/dps when i'm more than capable of playing the game appropriate to my level?Just because the person who filled my role with you before me was OVERGEARED doesn't mean i'm undergeared, or a bad player, or even 'casual'. Since when did n00b mean anyone who isn't a twink?"

Lost my train of thought, anyways my point was, yes we may be consuming things to quickly. So maybe instead of nerfing DS (which honestly i could care less about since i have no intention of ever moving past LFR) or making things "harder" how about we do something about the other things that make the game easy at endgame like macros? add-ons? craftable- saleable epics/blues? heirlooms making it easier to lvl? heirlooms that overgear you in pvp(since i was lead to believe pvp isn't actually about leveling, although you can use it to level)? quest givers in 5-mans?
why don't we bringing back gold caps? Or put mark up limits on the AH(i.e. you can't put a buyout of more than 300% of the vendor price)? Or make heirlooms equal to greens in some slots? 
Cause I'll tell you right now there would be an outcry among "some" players if the devs tried to take those things away, even though i'm of the impression that those things make the game easier for the people who have them, and that those people don't seem to realize it..or maybe they feel entitled like that's just what you should have?

I'll leave this with a RL metaphore since people seem to love those:
If you spend so long eating primerib that you've forgotten what hamburger tastes like, and NOW prime rib is like hamburger to you, are you the one with problems when your primerib gets cheaper? or when people who couldn't afford prime rib now get to eat it? or when peta burns your house down and you have to go on the run attacking unsuspecting cows in the middle of the night with your bare hands just to get your fix?   

But that's just what I think...not exactly sure why i added that part about

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Falsetto Register vs False Cord Function (Whistle Register)

Here's my new viceo on youtube about Falsetto.
I recently relized that i don't actually use my Falsetto register all that often.
Hope this helps someone out there. ^_^

Saturday, July 21, 2012

WoW Druid Stuffs!!

I'mtrying to hit 80 on my druid by midnight and i'm almost there. I'm currently level 79, and i'm doing quest with these ladies (below) so i can start getting rep with The Sons of Hardir.

 i'm working on building reputation with:

The Oracles in Sholazar Basin, cause you can get 3 pets and a mount from them, yey! I'm already on dailes for them.

The Sons of Hodir, which reside in the Storm Peaks. They're where you get the BoA shoulder enchants yey. Also, since my Druid is a Leather Worker I can learn to make "Mammoth Mining Bags", plus there are a couple of mounts i can get from them. ^_^


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

WoW Pet Battles!!! ^_^

Been on the beta the last couple of days, the pet battle system is still buggy right now, but it's actually kinda fun. There's a bit of a grindy feel to it though, especially for someone like me who is used to turn based rpg's where your team has to be on point. lol
I'm sure they'll fix thing with it soon. ^_^

Also, My druid is now level 76. yey me ^_^ I also got my engineering on my DK up to BC level and my druid is now at CATA level, so i can make things yey ^_^

KK Bye!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Brandy Norwood

 Brand Norwood aka Brandy is an amazing Lyric Coluratura Contralto vocalist.

Here's her website:

I love Brandy. I literally bought her "Never Say Never" album twice. It's amazing and classic.
Brandy starred in the telvision show Moesha back in the 90's for those of you who don't know. lol

Right now i'm listening to her first 4 albums

 I'm obsessed with the "Dedicate" tracks (there are 3 of them) on this album. Over all its amazing. "Always On My Mind" and  "Give Me You" are stunning.

Never Say Never

Every song on this album is a keeper, although i never much cared for the "In the car" intro, it was distracting.

 Full Moon
 This album has a bunch of songs i love. They include "I Thought", "Like This", "Apart", "Can We", "Nothing", and "Love Wouldn't Count Me Out". Highly underrated album.


Besides the obvious hits with the singles for this album. I have to say "Come As You Are" is an awesome anthem for empowerment. ^_^

I'm just in awe of her talent which has matured over the years instead of deteriorating like a lot of other artists. I could spend all day talking about how amazing Brandy is, but you can just go listen to her albums yourself. lol
I leave you with this amazing clip of her at the Apollo, way back in the day. ^_^

Friday, July 6, 2012

I keep on getting

Yep, distraction keeps getting me.

Instead of working on my Gate's Crossing series, which i have pretty much outlined to the point that the whole thing plays like a movie in my head, I keep thinking up new ideas for the series set in  Omoria. I don't even have a set plan for the first one in that series, but i've come up with a new idea for a later book in that series.

It's gonna be a love story and one of the main characters is gonna just show up for testing at The Universal Academy of Magical Arts (TUAMA), although i'm not set on the name...I guess i wanted to do something like a University, cause i think a university is made up of colleges? I'm gonna have to research that.


On that note maybe I'll split the Omoria books into multiple series, one'll be the Life, Love, and Learning series set at TUAMA, and the other will just be general Omoria stuff called Omoria.

Yey me, figuring out stuff like this really works for me. ^_^

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My World Of Warcraft.

I play World of Warcraft (WOW) a lot. My main is a level 85 Draenei Priest, discipline and holy spec at the moment since i prefer to act as a healer when i'm not soloing old content.

I'm currently working on getting the Frigid Frostling companion pet that drops off of Lord Ahune during the Midsummer Fire Festival.

My main realms are :

Alliance- Elune (US)
Horde- Teranis (US)
[I'm also in the Mists of Pandaria (MOP) Beta, although i don't play it that much]

My hope is to one day have one of every class at max level. ^_^

Currently i'm focused on my Alliance characters:

Priest-85,Draenei, Female, Disc/Holy, Jewelcrafting/Enchanting
Druid-74, Night Elf, Female, Restoration/Balance, Skinning/Leatherworking
Paladin-67, Daenei, Female, Holy/Retribution, Mining/Herbalism
Death Knight- 61, Draenei, Female, Blood/Frost, Tailoring/Engineering
Warrior- 50, Night Elf, Male, Fury/Arms, Mining/ Blacksmithing
Warlock- 35, Dwarf, Female, Destruction/ Demonology, Engineering/Tailoring
Mage- 30, Daenei, Female, Fire/Frost, Inscription/Alchemy
Rogue- 24, Gnome, Female, Combat, Jewelcrafting/alchemy
Hunter- 13, Worgen, Male, Beastmaster, Skinning/Mining
Shaman- 1 (She's acting as a place holder to save her name for MOP when i make her a Panda. ^_^)

So that's what i do. lol

My Music

I'm currently writing about and thinking about recording a new album.
I've already posted a few of the tracks off my Circus album on my youtube, but I got lazy and stoped posting them. I'll try to get around to posting the rest. ^_^

My Writings.

I've currently got a few projects going at the moment.

I've got my Gate's Crossing Series.
It's gonna be 6 books.
4 books and then 2 different endings.
The second book would be considered M/M and there's a bit of bisexuality with the main character.

I've got a series about a supernatural matchmaker.
The first book is tentatively titled "Matchmaker Matchmaker".

Also I've started jotting down ideas for a fantasy series set in the world of Omoria.

In addition to these fiction stories I'm also writing companion books to use as notes.
These include:

The Classification of Magic
This work plays a large part in most of my works as it outlines what magic is feesible as well as the classification of magical threats.

The Supernatural Bestiary
This work is also important to nearly all of my works so far as it details the history of supernatural creatures including humans with supernatural powers/abilities.

The Bestiary Tales
this is where i'll be writing fairy tales and myths about the creatures in The Supernatural Beastiary.

I'll be keeping ya'll updated.

What I Wanna Talk About...

Hiyo! (^_^)

So I'm trying my hand at a bunch of things and i'd like to cover them all in this blog since my Facebook is kinda a bit overwhelmed with "Life Vomit".
Anyways, the things I'm gonna be posting about currently are:

My Music- I'll be posting links and a few words about my original music. I'll also be informing of you of covers that I may be posting online.
You can find my work at:

Music Reviews- I'll be posting reviews of Artists, Albums, and Songs I enjoy or find interesting.

My Writing- I'll be keeping you uptodate about my writing. I wanna post things about characters and stories, as well as information on the universes, worlds, creatures, and societies i create or will be working with in my stories.

Book Reviews- I'll be posting book reviews of the books and stories i read, cause i read a LOT. lol

My Portfolio- I'll be posting pictures of myself taken in a modeling capacity.

Photography- I'll be posting random pictures I take that I think are good.

My World Of Warcraft- I'll try and post things about my experinces with the MMO World Of Warcraft. Things I enjoy or have done, and things I think suck.

Misc Works- I will randomly be throwing in stuff i do creatively that don't fall into the above catagories.

Random Randomness- I'll also be posting about things and topics i think are interesting. People, places, things, education, language, etc. It doesn't matter what but if i enjoy it i'll share it with you.

and maybe:

Smex- Lots and lots of dirty wonderful SMEX, but not really. If I'm thinking about it I'll share it. I'm not gonna force myself. lol no self-rape here, thank you.

Hope ya'll are looking forward to it.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

We're open!!!

Yey!! The Lost Signs is finally open. This blog is for anything and everything i want to talk about. Yey me!!