I play World of Warcraft (WOW) a lot. My main is a level 85 Draenei Priest, discipline and holy spec at the moment since i prefer to act as a healer when i'm not soloing old content.
I'm currently working on getting the Frigid Frostling companion pet that drops off of Lord Ahune during the Midsummer Fire Festival.
My main realms are :
Alliance- Elune (US)
Horde- Teranis (US)
[I'm also in the Mists of Pandaria (MOP) Beta, although i don't play it that much]
My hope is to one day have one of every class at max level. ^_^
Currently i'm focused on my Alliance characters:
Priest-85,Draenei, Female, Disc/Holy, Jewelcrafting/Enchanting
Druid-74, Night Elf, Female, Restoration/Balance, Skinning/Leatherworking
Paladin-67, Daenei, Female, Holy/Retribution, Mining/Herbalism
Death Knight- 61, Draenei, Female, Blood/Frost, Tailoring/Engineering
Warrior- 50, Night Elf, Male, Fury/Arms, Mining/ Blacksmithing
Warlock- 35, Dwarf, Female, Destruction/ Demonology, Engineering/Tailoring
Mage- 30, Daenei, Female, Fire/Frost, Inscription/Alchemy
Rogue- 24, Gnome, Female, Combat, Jewelcrafting/alchemy
Hunter- 13, Worgen, Male, Beastmaster, Skinning/Mining
Shaman- 1 (She's acting as a place holder to save her name for MOP when i make her a Panda. ^_^)
So that's what i do. lol
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